Members of NTHA can advertise job openings on our website. To advertise, members must agree to our Advertising Policy then fill out and return the Job Listing Form.
Policy For Advertising Job Openings On NTHA Website 1. Only “Members in Good Standing” will be eligible to use this service. A “Member in Good Standing” is any individual, business, company, corporation, etc. that is a current NTHA member and has paid their yearly dues in full. 2. Positions advertised must pertain directly to the Timber, Forest, or Lumber Industry. 3. Any member may post up to 4 positions at any given time. 4. Positions must be submitted to NTHA on the website job listing form. 5. Positions will be posted for 3 months, or until the position is filled. 6. Members shall contact NTHA when the position is filled so the listing can be removed. 7. Any discrepancies or questions on a listing will be removed from the website, and the NTHA Board of Directors will decide if it’s appropriate. The Boards decision is final.